Laser-assisted Cataract Surgery (LenSx™)

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Unparalleled Technology

LenSx™ is Completely Bladeless

This new laser technology allows the highest accuracy in performing portions of the cataract surgery, including correction of astigmatism. LenSx™ also offers a level of safety above traditional cataract surgery. If you are considering laser eye surgery in Saint George, UT, you need to come see us.

Both Dr. Hendrix and Dr. Slade use this technology. Dr. Slade was the first fellow in the country, and one of a handful of ophthalmologists in the world, to begin using this laser.

Cataracts are a common problem for many people as they grow older. Surgery to remove cataracts has become a regular procedure, and many people have the surgery every day. Laser eye surgery is a more precise and high-tech form of cataract surgery. It used to be that tiny stitches were required in the eye for cataract surgery, but because of these advancements stiches are no longer necessary. 

Once your cataracts are removed, you have several options to further improve your vision.

Traditional Cataract Surgery

Traditional cataract surgery involves first surgically removing the cloudy lens in the eye. This is often performed with a small incision first, followed by inserting an ultrasound device into the eye to liquefy the lens. Once that task is finished, the liquid is vacuumed out. After that, the surgeon will replace the old lens with an artificial lens, called an intraocular lens or IOL. It is made of plastic, acrylic, or silicon. The whole procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes on an outpatient basis.

In some cases, a larger cut may be made when the surgeon determines that a larger portion of the lens needs to be removed. This may be used when other eye problems are also present with the cataracts. 

Laser-assisted Cataract Surgery

When the surgery to remove cataracts is laser-assisted, it means that the cutting of the lens is going to be much more precise. The laser provides a better cut, and also provides the benefit of an incision that will heal faster. For these reasons, laser eye surgery in Utah is very popular choice.

The LenSx Laser Surgery System

Probably the most advanced laser for cataract eye surgery, and other eye problems, is the LenSx laser surgery system. It is a laser that operates in femtoseconds and is incredibly flexible in its use for cataract surgery. It is capable of making an incision according to percentage of depth desired, the thickness of the cornea, and the length and position of the cut can also be determined and precisely made. Since everyone’s eyes are slightly different, lasers enable more options during the eye surgery, which makes it the ideal tool to correct other vision problems at the same time cataracts are being removed.

At the present time, the LenSx laser surgery system is used more than any other laser for cataract surgeries. It is also used in as many as 67 countries. The computer system behind the laser does several things automatically, reducing the time needed for settings and adjustments. With the LenSx laser system, the amount of time needed for the laser procedure is less than two minutes. When our doctors perform laser eye surgery in Saint George, UT, they utilize this high-tech laser system.

Replacing the Lens

After the lens of the eye is removed, an artificial lens is put in its place. These are often specially made to correct problems with vision, but not always so. With a basic lens, an individual may still need to wear glasses.

The Different Types of Lenses Available

Because the LenSx laser cuts the lens so precisely, it is now even possible to remove some other eye problems with the new artificial lens. This is limited, however, to providing a lens that will correct one problem, but not all of them, if more than one vision issue is present.

In order to help patients have better vision after cataract surgery, there are three different types of artificial lenses available:

        • Monofocal fixed-focus IOLs – These Intraocular Lenses enable the patient to see clearly at a distance, at intermediate ranges, or close ranges. The lenses only enable the vision to focus at one distance, and not all of them. Patients will still need to wear contact lenses or glasses to be able to focus clearly at other distances.
        • Multifocal IOLs – These lenses enable people to see at multiple distances, including objects far away, up close or anything in between. In some cases, the lenses also change the amount of light that actually hits the eye, which can work well in bright light.
        • Accommodating IOLs – This type of IOL is basically a monofocal IOL, but it has the ability to be shifted within the eye. This enables focusing at all distances.

Patients Can Choose Their Lens Options

Prior to cataract surgery, the surgeon will typically talk to the patient about the various lens options that are available. There are several possible ways that the various lenses can be applied, but it largely depends on the individual and what they need most.

If an individual, for instance, is a truck driver or pilot, then it is very important to be able to see clearly in the far distance range. He or she may want a monofocal for distance and glasses for reading; or they may want to try a multifocal IOL.

Choosing The Lens That is Best for You

When you need laser eye surgery in Utah, the three different types of lenses are offered, but each of them have their limitations. This is why one type of lens is not a good match for everyone. This is where the expertise of our ophthalmologists can help you determine what will work best for you.

Both the multifocal and the accommodating IOLS will give people clearer distance vision, but the accommodating IOLs do it a little better than the multifocals. On the other hand, the multifocals will typically provide better vision at close-up ranges. As might be expected, both of them enable a wider range of vision than the monofocals.

There are also occasions when people will find it advisable to mix their lenses. Someone who needs distance vision for driving can choose a multifocal IOL in the eye that is stronger (dominant), but you may want a monofocal in the other eye to enable better reading or using the computer. This is because glasses or reading glasses may be needed for small print.

If an individual chooses to go with monofocals, you might also be advised to mix the lenses. You might get one for distance vision, and a mid-range for the other eye. This approach may enable you to see clearly for driving, and then see well in mid-range distances for other tasks. When you need to read or see fine print, glasses would be necessary. An excellent way to test this approach, if your vision is still good enough before surgery, is to try one distance and one mid-range contact for awhile.

Lens Replacement for Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a medical problem in which the lens of the eye does not refract correctly. The lens of the eye is not focusing the light the way it is supposed to. Instead of a single focal point, the light focuses into multiple points, and the result is usually blurred vision in that eye – all the time. Those who have this problem have most likely been wearing corrective glasses most of their whole life.

Laser-assisted cataract surgery now enables doctors to be able to correct astigmatism at the same time. Doctors who do laser eye surgery in Utah will remove the lens of the eye because of cataracts. Since the lens is also partly responsible for the astigmatism, replacing it with a new lens usually corrects both problems. With the new lens, the astigmatism is removed, and patients gain an ability to see clearly out of that eye – possibly for the first time. Many who have this surgery are often pleased to discover that they no longer need glasses or contacts.

When you need to have cataract surgery and want the best care, you’ll want to consider laser eye surgery in Saint George, UT. Our expert eye doctors and surgeons can help you choose the best options for your needs, whether that is correcting astigmatism or just restoring your clear vision.